Two Reasons Why You Should Make The Switch To A Vehicle Transponder Key

Posted on: 5 October 2015

Locksmiths do more than simply open your car doors when you're locked out or make duplicates of your traditional keys: They can transform your starter system by upgrading your keys to the transponder edition.  Transponder keys are equipped with a Radio Frequency (RF) chip that communicates with your car's starter.  Once you've converted to transponder keys, your vehicle will not start unless it receives the signal from the key.  Learning more about the benefits of transponder keys can help you determine if you should make the switch today.

Transponder Keys Are A Wonderful Security Feature

One of the most compelling reasons why you should consider getting transponder keys is because it is such a great way for you to inject an additional layer of security into your automobile.  Car thieves are becoming more and more sophisticated with their techniques, and it's your job to do everything in your power to protect what's yours.  

For example, if a vehicle thief happens to be an expert at hot-wiring cars, they won't have any luck once you have transponder keys.  In addition, if you happen to leave your key somewhere and someone unscrupulously makes a cheap copy, they still won't be able to start your ignition.  Without the invisible signal from the transponder portion of your key, the thief will be stopped in their tracks and forced to leave your vehicle where it is.

Transponder Keys Add To Your Convenience

If you're the type of person who's always on the go, transponder keys can go a long way toward making your day more convenient.  Modern transponder keys not only cause your vehicle to become more secure, they now have the ability to open your doors and hood and even start the car remotely.  Think of how convenient these features will be on those cold winter mornings when you need to get your car warmed up.  You can push the starter from inside of your home and walk outdoors to find a toasty vehicle that is all ready to go.

When your hands are loaded down with bags, you will no longer have to fumble around in hopes of finding the right key.  Pressing a single button on your transponder key will cause your trunk door to pop open so you can quickly place your bags inside.

Making the switch to transponder keys may prove to be one of the best decisions you ever made.  Contact a locksmith who can convert your keys as soon as possible so you can start enjoying these benefits and more.
