Choosing The Most Effective Lock For Your Front Door

Posted on: 26 October 2015

To keep unwanted people out of your home when you are gone, it is imperative to have an effective front door lock. However, to accomplish your goal, you need to know the different options so you choose the right one for your home.

Pick-Resistant Model

A deadbolt is a reliable option, but some model types are not effective against someone trying to pick the lock. For this reason, you want to look for pick-resistant locks that have a different interior structure, which makes them harder to open without a key.

For example, some models have tumblers on the bottom and top. To unlock the door, you need to apply pressure and move the tumblers on both sides at the same time. This feature is what makes these deadbolts harder to open, since a thief will have a difficult time doing this action with small lock picking tools.

Some manufacturers add extra protection by making locks that have rotating tumblers as well. These locks require the tumblers to move in a specific direction as the key turns to unlock the door. If the would-be burglar does not know which direction the tumblers need to go, it becomes that much harder for them to unlock your door.

Keyless Options

An even better way to prevent burglars from picking your front door lock is choose one that does not require a key. A keyless lock uses a personal pin code that you create as the key. If the wrong code is entered, the lock will not release and the unwanted person cannot get into your home through that door.

When looking into the different models, you will find ones that also use a remote or key fob. The remote is similar to the ones you use to unlock a car. This feature allows you to lock and unlock your door from a distance, so that you can get into your home quickly.

An added benefit to any keyless lock is that you can reprogram the pin code at any time. This aspect gives you the ability to rekey your locks whenever you feel it is required.

One thing to consider is that these locks are a little harder to install. Most models have a frame, battery pack and internal locking mechanism. It is important to follow the directions very carefully so that the lock will work properly. If you feel the task is too challenging to handle, then it is better to consult a locksmith. The locksmith can install it for you and show you how to program the lock as well.

Protecting your home is easier to do if you have an effective lock on your front door. By taking the opportunity to know more about the different model types, you will be able to pick the right one for your home.

Click here for info about locksmith services.
