Don't Make These Rash Mistakes Upon Locking Yourself Out Of Your Home

Posted on: 7 November 2016

It's understandable if you experience a high degree of panic upon realizing that you've locked yourself out of your home. After all, it's a miserable feeling to hear the door click and instantly realize that you don't have your house keys with you. In your panic to get back inside, you might be tempted to do something rash. However, it's best to stay calm and call your local locksmith. This professional can visit your home in short order and have you back inside in a flash. Here are some rash decisions that some people make upon being locked out — which you should try to avoid.

Try To Pick A Lock

It looks easy on TV, so picking a lock must be simple enough in real life, right? That's not the case, unfortunately. Try to resist the urge to find something sharp and stick it into the key hole of your door. Unless you're a trained locksmith and have the proper lock picking tools, there's a very low chance that you'll be able to successfully pick the lock. Additionally, you may end up damaging something inside the lock, which could prevent the locksmith from being able to open the lock or necessitate buying a new door lock assembly.

Decide To Break A Window

In your panic to get back inside, you might make the poor choice of breaking a window. For example, you might identify a basement window with a single pane of glass, and think that you could gain access to your home via this entry point. While this is technically possible, although you may end up cutting yourself in the process, you'll have the significant hassle of having the window replaced afterward. Additionally, your home will lack security in the meantime. You definitely don't want an open entry point into your home.

Attempt To Climb To An Upper Floor

Depending on the layout of your home, you may be enticed to grab a ladder and attempt to access the second floor of your home. Whether you think you'll be able to get inside through an unlocked window or an unlocked door leading to an elevated deck, this is generally a poor idea. Climbing a ladder to this height can certainly be dangerous, especially if you're trying to do so in the dark or you don't have someone holding the feet of the ladder. It's a better idea to simply call a locksmith to help you get back inside.

Contact a company like Rahn's Best Lock Service to learn more.
