3 Common Door Lock Problems

Posted on: 17 October 2019

It is common for door locks to develop problems because they are used hundreds, if not thousands, of times throughout a single year. If your door handle or lock has developed an issue, there may be an easy fix that you can use to get your door working correctly again.  

Loose Handle 

One of the most frequent issues that comes up with door locks is loose handles or door knobs. After being used thousands of times, door handles may become loose. Generally, this happens as the parts inside of the door handle wear down, or the screws that are holding the door handle in place work their way loose.  

Sometimes, fixing a loose door handle is as simple as tightening up the screws on the handle. Other times, if the internal components of the door handle are too worn down, the handle may need to be replaced.  

Misaligned Lock 

One of the most common door lock problems is a misaligned door lock. This happens when the locking mechanism on the door doesn't line up with the strike plate on the door frame. The locking mechanism and the strike plate need to be aligned in order for your lock to work properly.  

This can be caused by a variety of issues. The door handle may be loose, causing the locking mechanism to droop below the strike plate. This can be fixed by tightening up the door handle. The door frame or the door itself may have become warped. In that case, you may need to adjust the location of the strike plate or the lock itself in order to compensate for the changes to the door.  

Jammed Locks 

There are a number of reasons why your door lock can get jammed up and refuse to turn when you put the key in the lock. One of the most common reasons is dirt inside of the internal components. This can be taken care of by applying some lubricant to the lock to clear things up and get your lock working again.  

Your lock may also be jammed because the bolt itself is broken. In this case, you will need to replace the bolt or the entire component, in order to get things working properly again.  

If you have a loose door handle, a misaligned lock, or a jammed lock, you can try and fix the issue on your own, or you can call your local residential locksmith. They should be able to send a technician out to your home within 24-hours to fix the issue and get your door and lock working correctly again.  
