3 Common Door Lock Problems

Posted on: 17 October 2019
It is common for door locks to develop problems because they are used hundreds, if not thousands, of times throughout a single year. If your door handle or lock has developed an issue, there may be an easy fix that you can use to get your door working correctly again.   Loose Handle  One of the most frequent issues that comes up with door locks is loose handles or door knobs. After being used thousands of times, door handles may become loose.
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Don't Make These Rash Mistakes Upon Locking Yourself Out Of Your Home

Posted on: 7 November 2016
It's understandable if you experience a high degree of panic upon realizing that you've locked yourself out of your home. After all, it's a miserable feeling to hear the door click and instantly realize that you don't have your house keys with you. In your panic to get back inside, you might be tempted to do something rash. However, it's best to stay calm and call your local locksmith. This professional can visit your home in short order and have you back inside in a flash.
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5 Things To Do When You Feel Threatened By An Abusive Ex

Posted on: 5 August 2016
Some relationships can be toxic, and breaking up with a significant other who is abusive can be very scary. When you're going through a bad break up with someone who you fear may harm you, it is important to take steps to protect yourself. If you're going through an acrimonious break up with someone who may be violent or abusive, use the following tips: Change Your Phone Number During an especially bad break up with an abusive ex, one of the best things you can do is cut off all contact.
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Is It Worth It To Carry A Lockpick Set?

Posted on: 18 July 2016
Online ordering sites have made getting a lock-pick set quite easy. In fact, you can even get wallet-sized cards with picks that you tear out if you need to use them. But is it worth it to get these sets so you can save money by not having to call a locksmith? Knowing how to pick locks does have some advantages—yes, legal ones—but having lock-picking knowledge also carries with it responsibility to use the knowledge properly, and there are some negative things associated with having a lock-picking set.
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